Tuesday, August 10, 2010


# 感恩晚会
- 筹备工作,每一位负责人同心合一的一起做到最好,
- 为当晚的一切节目顺利进行祷告
- 为每一位参与节目的弟兄姐妹的身体健康交托在主的手上
- 为当晚每一位来到的人祷告
- 每当我们为主献上时,魔鬼撒旦就会开始阻扰,求主坚固我们的心,破坏撒旦的计划

# 校园宣教
- 为更多的新朋友代祷
- 为校园宣教的事工交在父神手上
- 为在校园里时,一切邀请工作能顺利进行
- 为当天所到的新朋友祷告
- 求主为当天的一切节目,事奉人员,祷告,求主带领与保守
- 求主坚固我们的心,破坏撒旦的计划

Thanks Giving Items

Bickie Chew - Annie did well for the fellowship
- increase in number for people coming to fellowship

Shu Chyng- 背好差不多了

Jenny - 顺利从tafe 毕业

Flecher - Thanks God nothing happened to me last Friday and Sunday when got pulled over by cops, and thanks God guide me in my studies this week

BJing - 感恩神赐我每天有足够的用以及衣食住行,开学了,祈求主带领这个semester一切顺利。感谢主

Bkee - 感恩上帝带领我开开心心度过在墨尔本的日子,祈求带领我有智慧地有效利用时间,一切平安顺利。

Individual prayer items

Grace - 2 big assignments (Bio essay & Math project) due on 16th Aug
- health
- time management and wisdom in making decisions

Sk - time management so that can study and serve

Victoria - financial management test on Thursday
- family's health

Shu Chyng - Assignment due this week
- time management

Jenny - 家人的健康, 能适应新学校

Dean - 好的时间安排,妥善分配时间在工作和课业上

Bickie Chew - 工作压力

Emily - 学业侍奉兼顾
- 灵命生活
- 校园宣教

Mandy - 工作 & 学业
- 家人,事业,朋友的平衡 (time management)
- spiritual life

Ben - Pray for my coming oral and research project in order to present smoothly for presentation and get satisfied marks.

Jerry - pray that got time to do all assigned task, especially for thanksgiving night

Joanne -parents stay healthy
-Study hard and have a good time management for my study

Flecher - need to pray for my studies, especially interior architecture studio, need ideas, and hope i could have productive process throughout these weeks.