Tuesday, October 9, 2012

為考試禱告 考试代祷表 2012:SEMESTER TWO

弟兄姐妹!考试期间,难免有压力和情绪紧张的时候。所以我们更需要祷告!尤其在这时候相信很多人都会趴地说主啊!我不要考试 或者是 啊!救救我吧!哈哈没那么恐怖啦。努力奋斗+祷告吧!



(一) 為健康

(二) 為異象

(三) 為態度

(四) 為課業

(五) 聽的能力
(六) 讀與看的能力

(七) 為管理

(八) 為情緒

(九) 為社交

(十) 為壓力
(十一) 為睡眠

(十二) 為低档魔鬼

(十三) 求讀到重點的能力

(十四) 為作業

(十五) 為小考、月考、模擬考

(十六) 求資訊

(十七) 求判題的能力


考试代祷表 2012:SEMESTER TWO

Nelson Ling
12 oct, 15 oct assignment and thesis
22 oct, 23 oct, 24 oct examinations
grant wisdom for all assignments and examinations

Penny Lau
16 oct quality assurance interview
25 oct biochemistry and molecular 2
25 oct exercise and sports nutrition
31 oct human physiology 2: body system

Nathan Teo
21 nov geotechnical engineering
21 nov Introductory Italian b

Miin Miin Chaw
29 oct year 12 chinese 2nd language advance oral presentation
21 nov year 12 chinese 2nd language advance written examination

Vincent Hii
23 oct price and market
25 oct management accounting
26 oct accounting theory

Kitty Lee
Cambodia trip
job application (post-graduate ICU)
family (spiritual growth)

Joanne Chin
job search

Richard Chung
job search

Xin Nee Ling
19 – 23 nov examinations

Victoria Hii
08 Nov Managing Conflict
Pray for courage and strength
Pray for sister-in-law who is due to deliver a baby girl on 18 oct; Pray for a smooth and safe delivery

Camilla Kiew
future very unknown. But God knows.

Mandy Yong
assignment due every week continuously for 12 weeks
pray for time management
pray for LAMM assignment
pray for discipline

Stephanie Ngu
pray for good health

Sing Kung Law
13 nov advanced structural design
30 oct transport planning

Shinn Shyan Ngu
13 nov, 16 nov, 17 nov examinations
Pray for motivation to study and good time management

Joey Ting
11 oct nursing interventions and management i
12 oct health information and data

Olivia Hii
prepare for next year’s university life

Samuel Ting
assignments due week starting 15 oct, 22 oct and 29 oct.

Christopher Ling
30 oct marketing
01 nov accounting and finance
02 nov business law
05 nov business statistics

Grace Wong
30 oct, 1 nov, 9 nov, 14 nov
pray for motivation to study
pray for good time management, wisdom and good memory
pray for consistent quiet time
pray for the rest of the assignments due

Sally Bong
29 oct introduction to financial accouting
30 oct marketing
31 oct capital market

James Chiong
29 oct engineering maths
31 oct electrical engineering
07 nov computing for engineering
14 nov chemistry for engineering

Jessy Fan
29 oct engineering maths
31 oct electrical engineering
07 nov computing for engineering
14 nov chemistry for engineering

Jennifer Chiong
29 oct English
30 oct information and communication technology
31 oct biology
01 nov chemistry
02 nov mathematics

Wee Ling Tiong
preparation for IELTS

Chris Tiang
19 – 23 nov examinations

Joyce Tiang
19 – 23 nov examinations

Flecher Kong

Shu Chyng Hii

Leslie Wong
29 oct marketing
07 nov noise control and management
15 nov micro-nanotechnology
pray for good time management
study well and study smart
be able to finish assignment on time

Ben Cheng Lau
29 oct financial accounting
07 nov advance finance corporate
09 nov cost information decision making
13 nov equities and investment analysis

Pou Hung Nguong
01 nov electronic circuit
02 nov control system
05 nov digital signal processing
05 nov management

Jennifer Ngu
24 oct forensic accounting
26 oct MAS
31 oct ethical issues for accountant
07 nov small business

Melvin Chiew
12 oct biochemistry 3 practical
01 nov biochemistry 3 written

Hong Fei Ting
11 oct understanding health
17 oct mental health nursing

Emily Yii
19 oct final project film: the Library Museum and interactive images final project
19 - 21 oct 48 hour film project

Shirley Law
17 oct mental health nursing

Angie Wong
7 nov year 12 health and human development examination
nov – dec examinations

George Ting
13 nov enterprises services and security part a
16 nov enterprises services and security part b
19 nov information systems risk and security
21 nov unix for telecommunications

Christopher Ngu
29 oct English
01 nov chemistry
02 nov mathematics