Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Thanks Giving

Stephanie- 感谢主,在我有疑问,烦恼,困难的时候,身边有一群可爱细心的天使们不时的提醒,关怀,陪伴。

Emily- thank God for everything, for what i am having now

Flecher- thank God im be able to finish my assignment on time for the last week

Jerry- thank God for providing everything

Melvin- mum is doing ok, family is good

Prayer items

# Pray for Thanksgiving Night on 28/8, that every committee members and everyone can help each other out to bring out the best for the night

# Pray for those who are going for the mission trip in Tasmania, prepare their hearts and be ready in both mentally and spiritually so that they all have the courage to spread the Gospel of God to the people in Tasmania. Pray for the nice weather and the health for every members for the trip.

Stephanie & Penny- manage time wisely, a balance between studies and church

Flecher- stress about studies, sleepless night, having problem of keep waking up in the middle of the night

Jennifer- pray for studies

Jerry - pray for a good vision for future and all the best in everything

Melvin- studies and health and i need a lot of patients