Sunday, July 25, 2010

Growing in Faith

"If you aren't moving ahead in your faith you are falling behind. How long must Jesus put up with you?"

"Your walk with God never stays the same. It is either getting bigger or stronger, or it's getting smaller or weaker."

Will you choose to fill your ears with God's Word? Or will you do nothing and be called a fool!? (Luke 24:24)

"Jesus expects us to keep growing until the day we enter Heaven. He expects us to keep maturing."

How will we grow?

@If we want to grow we must eat the bread of the bible.
Throughout the scriptures the bible is likened to bread. We devour His words. Spiritual bread. Just as a human can't grow without food, a christian can't grow without the bible. Disciple means "the disciplined one" so sometimes we have to sit at the table and eat our spiritual bread because we know it’s good for us.

@We will grow by eating the bread of the body. (Luke 24:30-31,35)
Not only is the bible/the word likened to bread but the word became flesh. The bread came to life and lived among us. If you eat of me you will have everlasting life. -Jesus

There are people who read the bible to get a big head, and then there are people who read the bible to get a burning heart. ('burning heart' Luke 24:32)